Your Input is Needed on Entergy’s Plans for Our Future

Public Meetings
New Orleans City Council

Entergy New Orleans is making big decisions about our energy future and YOU have a chance to weigh in!

Entergy has submitted its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) — a roadmap that will shape how New Orleans gets electricity for the next 20 years.

Now, the New Orleans City Council is seeking public input on February 26 and we encourage you to speak up!

Join us at the 3rd Public IRP Meeting!

⏰ When: Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 10 AM
📍 Where: City Council Chambers, City Hall

At this meeting, Entergy will respond to questions, and the Council will take public comments. This is a great opportunity to make your voice heard!

We encourage you to speak up to ensure decisions made reflect the priorities of the people, not just utility companies.

What is an IRP and Why Does It Matter?

Every three years, Entergy New Orleans is required to develop an Integrated Resource Plan, or IRP, to assess how it will meet future energy needs. For instance, does Entergy want to retire costly, and dirty natural gas generation in favor of renewables? Is Entergy investing enough in energy efficiency programs that can lower costs for residents and businesses? The goal of the IRP is to select the best mix of energy resources—but the big question is, best for whom? 

Utilities often prioritize profits, but organizations like the Alliance for Affordable Energy are fighting to ensure Entergy’s plan prioritizes residents by investing in affordable, clean options like energy efficiency and renewable energy.

The IRP process invites public input, making it a great opportunity for you to have a say in decisions that will shape energy affordability, reliability, and sustainability in our community.

For more background on the IRP process, check out our previous blogs:

The Alliance's Thoughts on Entergy's IRP

  • IRP models indicate that Entergy’s compliance with the Renewable and Clean Portfolio Standard (RCPS) is the cheapest way to produce electricity. The Council should consider strengthening the RCPS (e.g. by creating a carveout for locally-generated renewable energy and implementing consolidated billing for community solar) to encourage greater adoption of renewable energy.
  • The Council should require robust demand-side management programs that give providers the certainty necessary to sustain a thriving local economy for efficiency and distributed energy services. In future IRP cycles, as it has done in the past, the Council should conduct its own independent demand-side management potential study to provide a contrast to Entergy’s. 
  • Entergy is dependent on fossil gas for approximately 58% of its generation. Fossil gas prices are volatile and trending upward. The Council should require a rapid shift away from fossil gas generation.
  • Entergy is modeling for hydrogen co-firing and/or generation without providing any estimate of hydrogen fuel costs or sources. Because fuel costs for Entergy are a direct pass through to ratepayers, this is not a concern for the utility, but is a major concern for ratepayers.

How Else Can I Get Involved?

Councilmembers Contact Information

Need help crafting your comment? Use the sample comment below as a starting point!
Sample Public Comment

Dear New Orleans City Council,
As a resident of New Orleans, the decisions made in the 2024 Integrated Resource Planning process will affect my energy bills and determine how resilient our energy system is to future challenges. I urge the Council to ensure that Entergy New Orleans’ 2024 Integrated Resource Plan prioritizes affordability and considers all available resources to meet our energy needs – including cost effective options like energy efficiency and renewable energy.

New Orleans in an energy crisis. In 2023, roughly 1 in 5 New Orleans residents had their lights turned off because they were unable to pay their energy bill. We all deserve better.

The IRP should prioritize solutions that lower costs and reduce climate risks. I urge the Council to require Entergy to expand energy efficiency programs, accelerate the transition to renewables, and provide transparent data on the costs and benefits of different energy choices.

Thank you for considering my input.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Email]

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