Karen Wimpelberg ​Intern Fellowship

Karen’s mentorship was vital to so many in keeping the mission of The Alliance going.

​Karen Wimpelberg was a founder and long-time leader of the Alliance for Affordable Energy. She was a tireless advocate for the rights of utility customers, energy efficiency and progressive energy policies, and was equally passionate about passing the torch onto the next generation.

Supporting our interns

​​We are excited to honor Karen’s legacy through a fund dedicated to supporting our interns. Interns play a critical role in helping us accomplish our mission. The Wimpelberg Internship Fellowship will help ensure internships are available to everyone, not just those who can afford to work unpaid.

While many of our interns either get school grants or school credit, we recognize that unpaid internships are inherently inequitable, as they allow only people who can afford to work for free the opportunity. This fund will go towards ensuring that we can accept interns who otherwise wouldn’t be able to have that experience if it were unpaid. While we are a small nonprofit organization, we are dedicated to doing our part to rectify systemic inequalities. We encourage individuals from BIPOC and historically marginalized communities to apply.

The fellowship will be offered to one intern each year. Fellowships include a $2,000 stipend for expenses. ​Fellows will work a minimum of 8 hours per week for 3 months. Time off is given for holidays, final exams, mental health or sick days, and by request. You can let us know you’d like to be considered for a fellowship. To be considered you must have been interning with us for at least 2 months and have had excellent project outcomes. ​

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